A12 Shot Blaster from National Flooring Equipment

To improve productivity for contractors working in larger applications, surface preparation equipment manufacturer, National Flooring Equipment has released the A12.

Nfe151 A12

In surface preparation, shot blasters strip old coatings, clean the floor and profile the concrete in a single step. The machine projects steel shot towards the surface to prep the concrete for a new covering. Once the job is complete, the site requires little clean up, allowing contractors to immediately apply a new coating or polish the leveled concrete.

The A12 will benefit contractors working in larger applications, such as airports, highways and bridge decks. This ride-on shot blaster is compact to manoeuver around facilities and through doorways and powerful enough to efficiently complete the job.

  • The A12 is that it is a single unit. It requires no additional equipment and has no cords —­ contractors can simply set up the machine, switch it on and go, reducing site downtime.
  • The A12 is propane powered, removing the need for generators or batteries. With enough top-up fuel, contractors can easily run the machine until the work is complete, reducing downtime caused by charging batteries or moving generators and cords.
  • It is equipped with an internal dust collector that has a high efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filter to keep contractors safe. 

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