VISION2040 Forecasts Future of Concrete Pavements, Technology Factors

The American Concrete Pavement Association published long-term perspectives on concrete pavements and how they will both envelop and contribute to emerging technologies


What will transportation look like n the year 2040?  In response to this and other questions, the American Concrete Pavement Association has published a treatise covering long-term perspectives on concrete pavements, as well as how concrete pavements will both envelop and contribute to emerging technologies.

“VISION2040: The Future of Concrete Pavement Imagined” is a 16-page, four-color publication developed with the input and other support from a blue-ribbon panel of experts representing industry, academia and the public sector.

The publication:

  • Describes the genesis and background of the VISION2040 project (including a listing of the people serving on the blue-ribbon panel of experts)
  • Provides a glimpse of the future of transportation
  • Describes anticipated owner/agency needs
  • Forecasts how concrete pavement will serve various functions as we move toward the year 2040
  • Explains how ACPA and other stakeholders will shape the future … and what great potential exists if we invest and collaborate effectively along the way.

The publication is a quick read (about 10 minutes) and provides valuable insights that are likely to influence and guide the concrete pavement community over the next two decades.  

To read the “flipbook” version, please follow this link:  To see a full-screen version, click on the gray circle marked “Fullscreen.” 

To save a copy to your computer, download a PDF by following this link:
