Rockwater CB Hydraulic Breakers

Models available for excavators, backhoes and skid steers ranging from 0.8 to 55 tons

Rockwater Cb Hydraulic Breakers
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CB Hammers are available for excavators, backhoes and skid steers ranging from 0.8 to 55 tons. They are designed for simplicity and efficiency, providing durability and less maintenance for the user.

  • Compact, lightweight range for compact excavators and skid steers includes a unique valve system and plumbing design that provide power and efficiency while requiring less oil flow
  • Medium range for backhoes and excavators offers power and versatility for working with a wide range of operating pressures and oil flows
  • Heavy-duty range for excavators beyond 20 tons are fully box framed with damping materials to reduce noise and recoils to the carrier, and come pre-installed with an auto grease system
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