Colorbiotics to Showcase Soybean Oil-based Asphalt

Biomag Easy Pave is designed for projects that warrant a paved surface, but that do not warrant the depth and durability of a hot-mix pavement application.

Biomag Easy Pave is designed for projects that warrant a paved surface, but that do not warrant the depth and durability of a hot-mix pavement application.
Biomag Easy Pave is designed for projects that warrant a paved surface, but that do not warrant the depth and durability of a hot-mix pavement application.
Cb 16x9 Ratio

Colorbiotics will showcase the Biomag Easy Pave soybean-oil based polymer product in its latest project sponsored by the Iowa Soybean Association.

The project called for 42,560 sq. ft. of asphalt underneath a tent at the Farm Progress Show. Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc. of Cedar Rapids applied two passes of Colorbiotics’ new Biomag Easy Pave soybean-oil based polymer product, resulting in six inches of compacted recycled asphalt millings over a previously unpaved area.

The project showcases the latest uses of soybeans in asphalt paving. It also helps Colorbiotics continue to evaluate their newest pavement products, which are all soybean-oil based.

"We are always interested in gathering more data about our products and their performance,” said Austin Hohmann, product manager at Colorbiotics.

“This application gives us a great opportunity to gather additional data, especially with the high foot traffic expected at the show.” The 2022 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa is expected to draw attendees from almost all 50 states and other countries.

Biomag Easy Pave is applied using a three-step process. First, a three-inch layer of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) is put down, followed by application of the Easy Pave soy-based topical spray. Last, the treated RAP is compacted, and the process can be repeated. In this case, the crew used two passes.

Biomag Easy Pave is designed for projects that warrant a paved surface, but that do not warrant the depth and durability of a hot-mix pavement application.

Hohmann says the Easy Pave product with recycled asphalt millings and compaction can cost around $.50 per sq. ft. compared to hot mix asphalt at $4 per sq. ft.

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